Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Tool Bar

Tool Bar Overview

Icon Menu Item Action
Model (T) Allows to access to both Groups of Prims and to Prims themselves
Select (Q) Allows user to pick select and object in the viewport.
Move (W) Instantiates a user widget that allows user to move a selected object or group of objects
Rotate (E) Instantiates a user widget that allows user to rotate a selected object or group of objects
Scale (R) Instantiates a user widget that allows user to scale a selected object or group of objects
Snap (enable/disable) Sets snapping to specified increments or surface snap
Play (Space Button) Start an animation
Zero Gravity (X) Designed to use physics interactions while editing, users can now nudge, slide bump and push objects into position
Paint (Ctrl+B) The paint tool is a powerful surface placement tool extension allowing users to "paint" meshes onto the surface of other meshes